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10 of my top home office must haves!

10 of my top home office must haves!

Let me start this by saying I LOVE working from home! This is my 4th year running SewCC from home, and I love the flexibility, time with Chloe, and staying in pajamas- haha! 

I've chosen 10 of my favorite office/sewing space items to share with you. I really enjoy the space I have created, and I am excited to share these fun tips! 

Disclaimer- I also have a job that is (normally) not done from my home. We are in the midst of the corona crisis, but typically I teach competitive dance 5(ish) days a week. That is currently also being done from home, but that's a whole different space and story!

1. Echo/Alexa- I use my Echo multiple times a day. She is constantly playing my favorite station on Pandora, setting reminders, or keeping me on track with timers while I am time blocking. We have Echo dots all over the house as well as Echo Show and one full size Echo.

2. Seasonal decor- I spend a lot of time working in my sewing studio, so I love changing up my view with the seasons. Christmas is my FAV, so I always go all out with decorations that make me smile! 

christmas seasmstress sewing space

3. Sticky notes and note cards- I am constantly jotting down quick notes to myself, tagging projects, or labeling items. I have sticky notes in all sizes that get used daily, and I am constantly using different colored note cards for to do lists, project bags, and pattern notes! I like to keep a variety of sizes and shapes on hand for various projects. The tab notes below are great for keeping track of designs in my sketchbook!

4. Candles- Just like decorations, these get swapped out with the seasons! I love working while I have a candle lit. My favorite candles come from Bath & Body Works, and I am currently loving Salted Caramel!

5. Pens and pencils- This one seems self explanatory, but I buy my favs in bulk! I use 2-3 of each, then when I misplace them I open the boxes and grab a few more- haha! I love these pens in purple, and these pens in blue, but these are the ONLY pencils that I will use. (I've used these since grade school!)

Major bulk pack or 4 pencil option:


6. Snacks- I'm a sucker for any kind of chocolate (although I don't like nuts), and I always have a salty snack on hand as well. Cheez-its are my go to for savory snacks and the sweet snack varies. Dark chocolate covered pretzel crisps are my favs! Snacks help me get through looonnnggg nights leading up to competition season.

7. Printer- I most often use my printer for labels, pattern printing, and project planning templates. I couldn't work from home without it! The one I have is no longer available, but this one is very similar. 

8. Pics of family/friends/dancers- I smile any time I see photos of the people I love. :) I love keeping framed photos in my space for a few extra smiles when things get tough!

9. Power strip- I have a LOT of things to plug in! No office would be complete without a power strip! Bonus if USB plugs are included ;) 


10. Hand sanitizer and hand lotion- No this one isn't because of Corona. I've had hand sanitizer in my office since day one. It's useful stuff... remember the snacks? I avoid bringing germs into my space as much as I can, so hand washing and hand sanitizer have always been part of my routine. The lotion is essential for dry hands, and of course it smells nice! I actually use lotion to help thread the needles on my machines when sewing with stretch thread, so there is lotion at every table in my space.

Bonus- Natural lighting! I know for most this isn't something you can just click "add to cart" on, so I'm calling it a happy bonus. I am so lucky that there are 4 windows in my space! I really love having a view to the outside world, the natural light that comes in, and the ability to bring in fresh air when the weather cooperates. 

Several links in this post are affiliate links. I make small commission from each sale, and I appreciate your support for my small business. :) 

I hope you found some of these tips useful when creating your own space to work from home!

Happy sewing, creating, and working! 


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